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Barnfield College is focused on anticipating new career opportunities and targeting priority skills to prepare our students for the job opportunities that await them at the end of their studies. To do this successfully we work with employers across the region to help inform our curriculum planning, enabling our students to achieve qualifications that are backed up by the priority skills that are required in the modern jobs market.

Our aim is to provide employers like you, with a talent pipeline of qualified, highly-skilled and job-ready people who can thrive in the workplace. We do this with you through Employer Encounters, Project Bravura, Apprenticeships and Training and Development.

We recognise employers who are dedicated to the skills agenda as Skillmakers. The Skillmakers network brings education and employment closer together – creating a pipeline of young talent with the skills that businesses need, employers who work closely with us are invited to become Skillmakers and join our growing network.


Let's Talk

We understand that each employer has unique requirements for their business and customers. Therefore, we have a team who work closely with employers to understand their requirements and provide a tailored response.

We want to understand how your business works and how we can be an asset to you through training, development and preparing our students to be job ready. 

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together.